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Sweet angels to transport you to a heaven of such exquisite delight that the experience will remain with you forever. This escort Duo are a stunningly attractive and very poised escort ladies that provides just the most sumptuous and delightfully perfect escort service that you could possibly yearn for. Quite simply, the girls you have always dreamed of meeting! With them happy, open and sunny disposition the girls stimulate feelings of warmth and desire that hint, so wonderfully, at the delights to come. With their angelic beauty, their silken hairs and their dazzlingly pretty eyes she charms, entices and allures. Their incredible beauty and smouldering sensuality are truly breathtaking.

Wendy & Yvette genuinely are the brightest diamond of happy seduction that you could ever meet. A genuine vision of loveliness that will bring to you the most exquisite fulfilment and the most deliciously intimate satisfaction.They are a gourmet connoisseur of Italian Cuisine and for them, an intimate romantic dinner in a charming restaurant, is an especial pleasure, as is the sparkling witty conversation over the table to enhance the charming ambience of the evening and to hint, with delightful subtlety, at the charming moments to follow.

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Locations & rATES

North West England

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Cheshire County

Cumbria County

Greater Manchester County

Lancashire County

Merseyside County

City of Manchester

City of Liverpool


First Hour


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90 Minutes


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Erotic Massage


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